This species is characterized in having suboval to weakly rhombic disc in young, squamation with rapid denticle development and broad denticle band with margins truncate near pectoral-fin insertions, plain dorsal disc coloration with no white spots, and a dark blackish tail with weakly mottled banding on its dorsal surface beyond the caudal sting. It is a small plain-coloured whipray with a rhombic disc, large head (44-49 % DW) and internasal length 8.8- 9.4DW, nasal curtain skirt shaped, largest mid mid-shoulder denticle heart-shaped, broad denticle band in adults, and tail whip-like without skin- fold and partly banded in young. Disc rather broad through trunk; slightly wider than long; length 93-99%DW; pectoral fin apex narrowly rounded. Snout broad and moderately elongate; distinct triangular apical lobe; anterior margin s almost straight. Eyes small, protruding slightly