The thallus is flattened and features slightly raised areas on its surface, along with a fringe of spiny structures. The branching pattern is flat and somewhat lobed, with the terminal branches being either lateral or resembling a pseudodichotomous arrangement. The inner core is calcified, while the outer cortex displays a radial elongation. The innermost cells of the cortex are subrectangular to oval in shape. There are no carpogonial branches present. The plants have a whitish-pink coloration, a mucilaginous texture, and a rough, skin-like surface. They are anchored to the substrate by a small disc-shaped holdfast. Cystocarps are scattered across the surface of the thallus, each featuring a distinct single opening (ostiole). The carpospores have a spherical to subrectangular shape, while tetrasporangia are not observed.