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Scientific Name: Stomatopoda Latreille, 1817
English Name: Mantis Shrimp
Local/Bangla Name: Not Known
Mantis Shrimp - Not Known - Stomatopoda sp. - Type: Zooplankton

Photo: Moira Galbraith(WORMS)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Stomatopoda
Mantis shrimps are a diverse group, with over 500 species found in various sizes and a wide range of colors. These crustaceans, like their relatives, have a carapace or a protective shell. Their coloration spans from earthy browns to vivid and stunning rainbow hues. While the average mature mantis shrimp measures around 10 centimeters in length, some individuals can grow much larger, with some reaching up to 38 centimeters. In a remarkable case, one mantis shrimp was documented at an astonishing 46 centimeters in length. The most distinctive and captivating feature of mantis shrimps is their claws. Depending on the species, the second pair of appendages, known as raptorial claws, serve as either powerful clubs or formidable spears. With these claws, mantis shrimps possess the ability to bludgeon or stab their prey, making them formidable predators in their underwater habitats.
Marine,Brackish water
Larval Stage of Shrimp
Main References:

Sadia N, Ahmed MK, Khondkar MM, Rani S, Alam MJ, Al Karim A, Khan MI (2021) Horizontal and Vertical Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton around the Swatch-of-No-Ground of Northern Bay of Bengal. The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 10(2), 1-8.

DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information