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Scientific Name: Solieria robusta (Greville) Kylin, 1932
English Name: Not Known
Local/Bangla Name: Not Known
Not Known - Not Known - Solieria robusta - Type: Seaweeds

Photo: AlgaeBase

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Rhodophyta
Class: Florideophyceae
Order: Gigartinales
Family: Solieriaceae
Plant upright, with fairly spaced, irregular branches spaced 1-4 cm apart. Branches taper above to rounded or sub-acute terminals, are basally constricted, terete to slightly compressed, and are generally soft. Epilithic, fibrous, branching, 1-2 cm broad, with many fronds. Multiaxial structure with five to fifteen apical cells. Multiple rhodoplasts form a ribbon-like structure within a cell. Grey-red to brown-red in hue, frequently bleached to a yellow-grey tint.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
St. Martins Island
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
IUCN conservation status:
Other Information