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Scientific Name: Paraeuchaeta norvegica (Boeck, 1872)
English Name: Not Known
Local/Bangla Name: Not Known
Not Known - Not Known - Paraeuchaeta norvegica - Type: Zooplankton

Photo: Leïla Brunner(GBIF)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Copepoda
Order: Calanoida
Family: Euchaetidae
The spermatophore is expelled from the male’s body, with the flask-shaped end being released first and the neck being the final part to emerge, a process that occurs through the genital pore situated on the left ventral side of the first urosome segment. In this species, the right fifth leg (P5) serves the exclusive role of grasping the urosome of the female during mating. On the other hand, the left P5 is responsible for transferring the spermatophore. During this transfer, the third exopodal segment on the left P5 grips the extruded spermatophore. However, aside from a possible function in guiding the neck of the spermatophore toward the hollow in the third exopodal segment, the digitiform process and lamella on the left P5 do not appear to serve any discernible purpose in this operation. The digitiform process is freely movable and does not make contact with the adhesive material of the spermatophore attached to the exopod. The lamella, positioned in the mating position, spans across the posterior area of the ventral face of the female’s genital bursa. Its role seems to be that of a non-slip template, ensuring the accurate placement of the spermatophore on the female’s genital openings. The function of the digitiform process in this second operation remains unclear; it may have a sensory nature, possibly being sensitive to touch and aiding in the precise grasping and positioning of the spermatophore during mating.
Main References:

Sadia N, Ahmed MK, Khondkar MM, Rani S, Alam MJ, Al Karim A, Khan MI (2021) Horizontal and Vertical Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton around the Swatch-of-No-Ground of Northern Bay of Bengal. The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 10(2), 1-8.

DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
IUCN conservation status:
Other Information