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Scientific Name: Lucicutia flavicornis (Claus, 1863)
English Name: Not Known
Local/Bangla Name: Not Known
Not Known - Not Known - Lucicutia flavicornis - Type: Zooplankton

Photo: Moira Galbraith(GBIF)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Copepoda
Order: Calanoida
Family: Lucicutiidae
The male cephalosome lacks lateral protrusions, and its first antenna (A1) extends to the middle of the caudal rami. The endopod of the first swimming leg (P1) is segmented into three parts. On the fifth swimming leg (P5) of the male, the right coxa exhibits a distinct rounded protrusion on its inner margin, while the right basis has a triangular inner border with distal hairs. The left coxa features a ridge on its inner margin, and the left basis has a protruding inner distal corner with 3-5 additional teeth and sometimes a proximal spinule. Neither basis displays pointed projections along their inner margins. The anal somite in males is almost as long as the fourth somite of the urosome, and the caudal rami are slightly more than five times as long as they are wide, with the innermost seta being small and slender.As for the female, it also lacks lateral protrusions on the cephalosome, and its first antenna (A1) reaches the middle of the caudal rami. The endopodite of the fifth swimming leg (P5) in females consists of three segments, and the inner spine on the second segment of the exopodite is long and straight, extending beyond the base of the first inner seta on the third exopodite segment. The terminal segment of the exopodite on the third segment is less than half the length of the segment, and its outer margin is adorned with several teeth. The female has a prominent genital boss, centrally positioned on the ventral segment, and the genital somite appears symmetrical in dorsal view. The anal somite in females is as long as the third urosome somite, and, similar to the male, the caudal rami are slightly more than five times as long as they are wide, with the innermost terminal seta being small and slender.
Main References:

Hossain Z, Hossain MS, Uddin N, Safa E, Rahman M (2020) Assessment of the Fish and Plankton Biodiversity in the Bay of Bengal, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. World Appl Sci J, 38:471-478. doi:10.5829/idosi.wasj.2020.471.478.

DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
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