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Scientific Name: Edwardsia jonesii Seshaiya & Cuttress, 1969
English Name: Sea Anemone
Local/Bangla Name: Not Known.
Sea Anemone - Not Known. - Edwardsia jonesii - Type: Sea_annemone

Photo: Mitra S, Pattanayak JG (2010)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Order: Actiniaria
Family: Edwardsiidae
Edwardsia jonesii possesses 12 tentacles, organized into two rows, with six tentacles in each row. The body is segmented into physa, scapus, capitulum, and scapulus regions. There are eight longitudinal ridges in the actinopharynx, and the siphonoglyph is not clearly defined. The capitulum is thin-walled, transparent, and smooth, lacking a cuticle. The scapus is thick-walled, and its surface is covered with a shaggy, rusty-red cuticle.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Northern part of Bangladesh
Main References:

KABIR SMH, AHMED M, AHMED ATA, RAHMAN AKA, HAQUE EU, AHMED ZU, BEGUM ZNT, HASSAN MA, KHONDKER M (EDS.) 2008 Encyclopedia of flora and fauna of Bangladesh. Protozoa-Gastrotricha. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. Vol.14, 335 pp.

Other References:

Mitra S, Pattanayak JG (2010) First record of two species of Sea Anemones Edwardsia jonesii and Paracondylactis indicus from Karnataka, India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 110(4), 77-79.

DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
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