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Scientific Name: Cladophora prolifera (Roth) Kützing, 1843
English Name: Green Branched Weed
Local/Bangla Name: Not Known
Green Branched Weed - Not Known - Cladophora prolifera - Type: Seaweeds

Photo: AlgaeBase

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Chlorophyta
Class: Ulvophyceae
Order: Cladophorales
Family: Cladophoraceae
The cell walls are relatively thin near the top. The lower and older parts of the stem, as well as older branches, each produce a descending rhizoid that can branch and feature annular constrictions. The cells at the apex are cylindrical with slightly rounded or tapered ends. The basal stem cells are somewhat club-shaped, and they may extend into a rhizoid. These plants are of a dark to brownish-green color, growing upright and forming dense clusters. They are firmly anchored by a tangled rhizoidal holdfast. These plants lack septation and instead have annular constrictions and branched tips originating from the main stem cells, forming a stem with branches emerging from nearly every cell.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
St. Martins Island & Sundarbans (Ahmed et al. 2008; Aziz et al. 2010)
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
IUCN conservation status:
Other Information