In the male, the first antenna (A1) extends all the way to the end of the third pedigerous somite. The right A1 is geniculate, meaning it has a joint or bend. On the left fifth swimming leg (P5), the basis is swollen towards the inner margin’s proximal end, and this swollen part extends into a small, tooth-like spine. Similarly, the basis of the right P5 exopodite is also swollen. The first exopodite segment of P5 features a flattened joint with a seta on the inner margin, while the outer thumb is short and lacks any covering. The claw-like second segment of P5 has a spoon-shaped appearance and does not have any teeth, but it does possess two inner marginal setae. Urosome somite 2 in males lacks any spiny processes.As for the female, the rostrum is pointed, and the last somite of the prosome extends on each side into an acute spine. The fifth swimming leg (P5) in the female is relatively symmetrical, consisting of four segments, with the distal segment ending in a long spine, a short spine, and an additional spine on the outer mid-segment. The urosome is composed of two segments, and the second somite is notably longer than the genital somite.