The eye is large and features a bilobed cornea, positioned at a slight angle on a stalk. Carapace is broad and convex. The antennular peduncle is short and antennal scale is wide as well as curved, displaying a prominent dark spot on its surface. The rostrum typically has a cordiform shape, though it can occasionally be sub-triangular. Dactylus of the raptorial claw has 8-11 teeth, generally 10-11, but larger females show a reduction in both the number and size of these teeth. In larger females and males, the propodus and carpus are relatively more inflated. The ventral keel of the eighth thoracic segment is rounded, and the abdomen is smooth and unarmed. Telson is significantly broader than it is long, appearing smooth or slightly wrinkled, and has about 3-4 pairs of fixed projections along its posterior margin. The basal segment of the uropod features a slender dorsal spine.