The shell of this organism exhibits a sub-triangular shape when viewed laterally. Its dorsal margin is notably arched, with the highest point slightly in front of the midpoint. The postero-dorsal margin forms a blunt angular feature, while the anterior margin is broadly rounded. The posterior margin, on the other hand, is more narrowly rounded. The ventral margin displays a subtle sinuous pattern and has a small expansion at the mouth area. Near the anterior and posterior margins, small spines (or denticles) can be observed, with a longer spine located at the postero-ventral part. The shell’s surface is characterized by pronounced pitting and is densely covered with small setae, along with a few tiny bumps found on both anterior and posterior areas.When viewed from the interior, the marginal zone structure is asymmetric. In the right valve (RV), the selvage is significantly displaced inward along the anterior, postero-ventral, and most of the ventral margins, with the valve margin defined by a flange. An inner list is present but only distinctly recognized at the postero-ventral part of the shell. In the left valve (LV), the selvage is only slightly displaced inward at the anterior and postero-dorsal margins and runs peripherally along the rest of the free margin. The inner list is well developed and runs close to the inner margin. In dorsal view, the carapace appears inflated, with the greatest width slightly behind the midpoint.