Shell very large, thick, heavy and rounded. Spire low; 2-3 whorls with 3 small tuberculated varices; distinct suture. Large and globose body whorls with strong spinose varices. All whorls bear numerous weak spiral cords. Spines not so sharp, leaf- like, medium and recurved. Aperture large and egg-shaped with moderately broad notch at the posterior end. Crenulated outer lip with prominent tooth-like process anteriorly, inside smooth or shortly lirate; inner lip smooth or with small spiral ridge posteriorly; anterior siphonal canal moderately long, broad, deep and narrowly open with 9-3 spines at both ends. Colour: exterior whitish with a few light brown spots and a few rusty pink near the sutures, on varices and the apex of spines; inside and siphonal canal white