Shell thick, almost elliptical, with a pointed spire, and a prong-like posterior expansion on the flared outer lip; rough dorsal surface, tubercles on the shoulders. Spire whorls finely cancellate and knobbed at the shoulder, but often largely obscured by a thick glaze spreading from the ventral side of the shell. Body whorl smooth and rather glossy, with a row of well-marked knobs on the shoulder; almost obsolete spiral ridges, none of them knobby. Ventral side of the shell heavily and extensively glazed. Columella and outer lip of the aperture completely smooth. Outer lip thickened on the margin and smooth externally, with a deep anterior notch. Prong-like projection of the outer lip extending posteriorly about way to the apex of the spire. Inner lip callus thick, spreading over most of the ventral side of the shell, and often over dorsal side of the spire to the apex in mature specimens. Siphonal canal strongly recurved dorsally and short. Colour: outside of the shell glossy cream with fawn mottlings and spiral bands of greyish appearing on the outer lip margin. Ventral side of the shell and glazed part of the spire glossy white. Callus white. Aperture bright pink or orange inside, white on the margins (Poutiers, 1998).